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BSAD111 - Personal Finance - Spring, 2025

Resources (links)

Projects / Papers

Specific details will be presented in MyMC (where the papers will be submitted) but this is a quick overview of each paper to be completed for this class.

Paper #1 - Savings and Investment Goals - Although many of us hope to save for the future, hope does not contain a lot of specifics about how to make that savings happen. In this paper you will have a chance to identify key strategies and performance indicators to assist you in making your savings goals happen.

Paper #2 - Home Purchase Project - Buying a home is one of the most significant purchases most of us will ever make. Understanding the process and some of the likely expenses allows you to focus on the true benefits and costs of your decision. This assignment will focus on many on the steps involved in buying a home.

Paper #3 - Investment Project - Understanding how and where to invest savings is an important part of any financial plan. This assignment will allow you to explore multiple options for investments and compare costs and benefits of different options.

Paper #4 - Lifetime Investment Allocation Project - As we age, our investment goals evolve from a stronger focus on growth to a stronger focus on security. This project will give you a chance to consider an investment portfolio at four different life stages and evaluate the investment allocation at that stage.

Investment Terminology and Guidance

Investment Calcuators and Tools

Investment Firms

Job Seeker websites

General News and Financial Information sites

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