The course schedule is also available in a calendar format saved as a PDF.
Week 1: Introduction - January 24
- Preview the Course
- Review HTML - CSS and introduce Javascript
- Discuss text editors available
- Creating "Hello World!"
Week 2: Data Types - January 31
- Numbers and Strings
- Working with Variables
- Coding Assignment #1: Basic Math - Due Feb-07
Week 3: Functions -February 07
- Creating user defined functions
- Calling functions
- Checking for events with "listeners"
- Returning values from a function
- w3schools - string methods and number methods and math methods
- Coding Assignment #2: Temperature Conversion - Due Feb-14
Week 4: Flow Control: Loops and Decisions - February 14
- "For" loops
- "While" Loops
- "Do - While" Loops
- "if" and "if...else"
- "switch"
- "try...throw...catch"
- Coding Assignment #3: A Better Secret Number - Due Feb-21
Week5: Data Structures - February 21
- Arrays
- User defined objects
- Coding Assignment #4: An Object Array- Due Feb-28
- Final project proposal - Due Mar-07
Week 6 : Midterm - February 28
Week 7 : DOM and BOM - March 07
- Document Object Model and Browser Object Model domains
- Object names, properties and methods
- Flowcharting software
- Coding Assignment #5: Mouse Events - Due Mar-21
Spring Break - March 14
Week 8 : Introduction to JQuery - March 21
- Toolkits, Frameworks and Libraries
- Designing with JQuery
- Coding Assignment #6: Animation - Due Mar-28
- Final project flowchart - Due Apr-11
Week 9 : Images and Video - March 28
- Creating slide shows and roll-overs
- Working with video in HTML5
- Coding Assignment #7: Show and Hide Images - Due Apr-04
Week 10 : Forms and Cookies - April 04
- Verifying forms
- Making cookies
- Using cookies
- Coding Assignment #8: Creating a User Registration Form - Due Apr-11
- Reminder: Final project flowchart - Due Apr-11
Week 11 : Dynamic HTML - April 11
- Defining Dynamic HTML
- Building a menu system
- AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)
- Coding Assignment #9: Working with Cookies - Due Apr-18
- Final project and presentations Due May-09 at 7:15 p.m.
Week 12 : Web Applications, IDEs and Editors - April 18
- Disecting a Web Application
- Integreated Development Environments (IDE) and Text Editors
- Coding Assignment #10: jQuery Menu System - Due Apr-25
Week 13 : Bootstrap - April 25
- Overview of Bootstrap DHTML environment
Week 14 : Final Review - May 02
- Review for Final Presentations
- Additional topics idesntified in class
Week 15 : Final Presentation - May 09
- Presentations begin at 7:15 p.m.