Web Site




'Learning Web Design' book coverLeraning Web Design A Beginner's Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web Graphics by Jennifer NIederst Robbins, Fourth Edition

Published by O'Reilly., ISBN:978-1-449-31927-4

available at the Montgomery College bookstore



Cheat Sheets

HTML cheat sheetHTML cheat sheet originally downloaded from ""



(X)HTML cheat sheet(X)HTML cheat sheet originally downloaded from ""


CSS cheat sheetCSS cheat sheet originally downloaded from ""



Class Handouts

Course SyllabusThe course syllabus as a PDF file



Final Project instructionsFinal Project details



How the web works - a conceptual view

web4students folders - shows the web4students directory structure

Sample directory structure - shows directory structure for class demo on relative links

Sample HTML for Video & Flash - a sample page loading flash movies and HTML5 video

Video Codec Compatibility - a quick reference to which codecs are compatible with which browsers

CSS Selectors - a quick recap sheet from week 9

The Documant Object Model (DOM) - a sample DOM for a basic web page

nth-child samples - the sample nth-child entries included in Chapter 9 Prezi